Saturday, August 30, 2008

New Project

Cabled Earflap hat with PomPom


My husband rocks. Look at D's new pants!


I disabled word verification, so people are more apt to comment. I love comments. :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

All Ready for Winter

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I am seriously addicted now...must. knit. something. else.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Hat!

almost. I ran out of yarn. So it will be scrappy...

"what's that? a hat!
crazy funky junky hat.
slept in? hair unsightly?
trying to look like Kiera Knightly?
we've been there. we've done that.
we see right through your
funky hat" (I watch way too much Disney Channel)

She Makes Me Smile

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Leftover daddy-made Indian food is nom nom nom. (She actually says that now!)
Saffron Rice and Yellow Dal.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

9month Portraits

Picture People doesn't do CDs, so this is as good as it gets. I love their packages. Always so classy.

I Love Sunday Mornings

Because we usually clean on Saturdays, so on Sunday, everything is right with the world.
And then we make breakfast with eggs and "sausage".

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Big Day-No Camera

Breakfast at Starbucks
Errands at Home Depot
9month portraits at Picture People
Starbucks for energy
LYS Outing in Alexandria
Whole Foods
Taco Bell


Baby Gate

We went to Babies-R-Us yesterday and got a babygate for the top of the stairs now that Delilah is moving everywhere. It didn't come with instructions and I was too lazy to look them up online so I decided to spend about 3 hours figuring it out, putting countless holes in the wall that I will have to patch when we move, only to realise that the wall won't support the weight of the door. So we had to make a trip to Home Depot this morning to get wall anchors. After not having the right size drill bit and having to improve with a screw driver, I finally got it up. The fruits of my labour:

Delilah sleeping

This is a picture of Delilah 2 hours after she went down for bed. So cute in a why won't you go to bed kind of way...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why We Joke...

...that her daddy is the mailman.
redhair and mommy's fondness for mail.
A pumpkin set for my November baby from Rock Star Knits.



Delilah likes playing in the hallway now. And because she is especially fond of pulling up on the stair banisters, I have to be following her 24/7.


shhh...mommy is actually getting things done!


Thursday, August 21, 2008


Got pretty mail today!
An Ella Elephant stickypeas prefold, Cat in the Hat and Ella Elephant Mutts, and a beautiful clip homemade with love by my friend, Kristi.
Yes, we have a thing for pink elephants in this family--well, all elephants!

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I tried it on too.


First Words


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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Campaigning in Rehoboth

We added another state to D's list--Delaware. She rode the carousel and a train at Funland and showed off her teeshirt on the boardwalk.
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She's a Mover and a Shaker

She is actually much better than this as of a couple days ago--hands and knees!

and because she's a cutie:

Pediatrician Appointment

20lbs 4oz

no hassle about solids, vax, iron or vitamin D!


and just because...

Plastic Monstrosity

I have tried my damndest to avoid plastic-BPA-China-cancer-toy crap, but we decided D needed a table for pulling up on after she loved the one at her friend Kendall's birthday party.


So we got her this FisherPrice one. She loves it almost as much as we do. (wheee!!! smooth banana! lumpy berries!)


Bedtime Traditions

We finally have a bedtime routine. Daddy is in charge of most of this since Daddy is the current favorite.
We brush D's teeth with her Earth's Best flouride-free baby toothpaste.
Then we strip her and go for a run yelling, "nakie baby! nakie baby!"
That gets her happy enough to get on her night time diaper and pjs with no tears.
Then we NAK (nurse at keyboard) to sleep.

She still sleeps with us.


I want to incorporate a story with Daddy in there somewhere also.


I was realising today that she is so much closer to a year old and toddlerhood than she is to these pictures.

7 weeks old

2months old