Monday, September 29, 2008

Crafty Bastards

We went to the Crafty Bastards fair in Adams Morgan yesterday and had an amazing time. People like us! We didn't think they existed. So much Buy Handmade advocacy and amazing products unlike one could ever find at a Walmart.

We got D the most adorable tee from Charlie and Sarah and found some cute buttons for D's sweater at Woolerina. We did ALOT of lusting. We also reminisced about college since we could see so many of the bars we used to patronize.

For lunch we had amazing Falafel sandwiches and fries.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008


Pants for D that weren't knit by daddy! Lisa at RetroBaby knit up these pants using many different colorways.

D and Kitten's favorite activity: school bus/garbage truck watching

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday in Old Town Alexandria

I love weekends in Old Town-the farmers market, political booths, and so many people.

We got D a balloon and ourselves some bumper stickers at the Obama table, then had breakfast at La Madeline and coffee at Starbucks.

Then came the best part of any weekend...a visit to Knit Happens! We always spend a fortune feeding our addiction. Yesterday, we got yarn for Brian's next project (a scarf for him), a set of interchangable circular needles, a book and tape measure for me! DROOL!

I'm Knitting a Sweater

Grey's Anatomy starts up next Thursday, so to celebrate fall, I'm knitting D a sweater. Its an acrylic yarn which is a whole new experience to me. I wish it was soy or bamboo, but that would be a mad expensive first sweater.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Going to bed without Mommy

Tonight marked the second night that we got Delilah to go to sleep without Mommy. Last night involved a lot of tears and aggrevation and a lot of lost sleep on both Aimee and my part. Tonight went well. Delilah is sound asleep after only 5 rounds of "5 Little Ducks" 2 of "Baby Beluga" and 10 of "Hush Little Baby". Hopefully this trend will keep up and Aimee and I can actually get things done at night!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Climbing Stairs!

I have to watch her now! We've already had one spill that resulted in a screamfest.


I always need to have something on the needles, so I cast this on last night.
I will hopefully finish it pretty fast.

This is Brian's big project. A sweater for D!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Casting On

another Hat! I figure I can perfect all the techniques I need to on short hat projects before I move on to the big boy stuff.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

The whole family went to a Nationals game last night. We love taking advatage of the BNA's seats in the Presidents Circle which include a buffet and lounge area and free food at the seats.

explaining the game to nana
making sure the umpire doesn't screw up a call

eating cracker jacks
napping on ol' pappy
mama passing away the time. (i hate sports)we won!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Binding Off...

By Aimee:

By Brian:

Hating Hats

And learning to nap without the boppy and nursing

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Relaxing Saturday


People Watching

And most of a hat
Bought this Mutt

Friday, September 12, 2008