Monday, November 24, 2008

Birthday Week: Anticipated Gift

We got her Birthday Doll from Aunt Angie today! She is GORGEOUS! I hid the accessories for a later date, since everything is being used for teething comfort lately.

And a picture of the gorgeous skirty my friend, Allison, made for Delilah. It's beautiful.

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Birthday Week: A Package!

Heather and Milo sent Delilah a gorgeous carriage handmade by her husband! Wow! What a work of art!

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Birthday Week: More Party

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Birthday Week: The Party

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Birthday Week: The Day

All of Delilah's Favorites:
Pumpkin Loaf at Starbucks
Mac and Cheese at Noodles and Company
Indian Feast at Angeethi in Herndon.

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Birthday Week: Portraits

On Delilah's first birthday, we got her portraits done at Picture People. They even had us sign a model release! These are just the tip of the iceburg.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

half hour to midnight.

I just wrote in Delilah's birthday card that we will give to her tomorrow. I didn't have near enough room, but here is what I wrote:
Dear Delilah,
I can't believe I have only been your mama a year. I feel like I have known you forever.
I love the way you laugh when I tickle your thigh as you nurse. I love that you found this card and immediately tore it in half, and yet you are so gentle while reading our Salvadore Dali coffee table book. I love how you watch your daddy add spices to dinner from your spot in the sling as if you are taking mental notes. I love that you give and "that baby in the mirror" kisses on demand. I love that you adore animals--especially kitties. I love that you have a temper and stubborn streak to match your beautiful, red hair. I love that you already have a yarn fetish. I love your obsession with chairs just your size. I love that birthing you was the hardest thing I have ever done, and raising you, the Greatest.
I love that you are mine.
Love, Mama

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Birthday Eve

truthfully, she won't be one until just before midnight on the 19th. but still, tomorrow my baby is one!

From Then
I can only distinguish
One thread within running hours
You...flowing through selves
Toward you.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I have had the privilege of meeting many awesome gals through my online due date club. Some are closer than others, and Heather is one of the closest. We call Milo, "Delilah's Online Boyfriend" since we assume she will be as big a nerd as Brian and I are. I can't wait until they can play together again.
I have a present here I need to mail. (Delilah cried when I showed her and took it away, so it is a certifiably awesome present.) I promise I'll get right on it...

MILO IS 1!!!
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Finally Won Something!

I enter A LOT of photocontests, but there is always a better picture than mine entered. But we won the November Contest at Sloomb yesterday! I love sustainable babyish karate pants. Even with disposable diapers, I would use them. Just comfy.

"How the days wound down
And the turning of winter
I recall, with you growing heavy
Against the wind. I thought
Now her hands
Are formed, and her hair
Has started to curl
Now her teeth are done
Now she sneezes.
Then the seed opened.
I bore you one morning just before spring--
My head rang like a fiery piston
My legs were towers between which
A new world was passing."

Audre Lorde

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm Loved!

My first blogging award!
Given to me by Jessi!

I nominate:
DO that Tomorrow! I don't know if I have enough people!

Here are the Rules:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.

2. Link the person from whom you received your award.

3. Nominate at least seven other blogs

4. Put links of those blogs on yours, and

5. Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated!

my mommy has OCD...

...because she knows i am 51 weeks old today!

cool stuf: she loves chillaxing in this <--- while it vibrates....and helps her poo. and she enjoys making funny noises. -->
ETA: I give up. Here is YouTube URL
"How the days went
While you were blooming within me
I remember each within each--
The swelling changed planes of my body--
And how you fluttered, then jumped
And I thought it was my heart."
Audre Lorde

Monday, November 10, 2008


i need to start reading great Literature to Delilah. i cannot remember favorite quotes from favorite books anymore. it is the source of some low self esteem right now.

edward albee, t.s. eliot, jack kerouac, allen ginsberg: here we come.

i'm thinking that i should start each blog post with a quote also.

"in the room the women come and go
talking of michaelangelo"
t.s. eliot.

Birthday Ensemble: Check!

I am so excited about Delilah's big day! Joyce at Elliebelly dyed the yarn, Brian made her pants, I made her shrug, and Shannon at Flip. Skip.Jump made her tunic, hat and shoes. <3<3<3

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More from Baltimore

Yarn from YarnLove for xmas longies. A cannoli and cappuccino from Vaccaro's. And some felted sheep we made for Delilah's birthday!

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Sunday, November 9, 2008