Friday, February 26, 2010

friday distraction.


to this:

florabella textures and actions. just playing around. i did really boost the curves and mask back everything but her face. and i ran portraiture over everything since it seemed noisy when working up close.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

wip wednesday.

yes. still.

it takes me as long to make the icord as it does to make the longies!

current obsession.


he self soothes by sucking his thumb, so we left him unswaddled last night. he's not so great at controlling his hands (or fingernails) yet...

brand preference

he reached out and grasped for the first time today!

mirror, mirror

i wish i could be as satisfied with my looks as archie is, he will look in the mirror for an hour just smiling and cooing. i can tell he is thinking, "WHO is that handsome devil there! why, he's gorgeous!" (and i quite agree with him.)

Friday, February 19, 2010

i'm a joiner!

but only because keli is one of my favorite flickr peoples.
i participated in Fix-it Friday

And here is Mine.
LR: i upped exposure all over and selectively even more on the girl. brightened and reduced noise. made it more vibrant,
CS4: Portraiture on entire pic at 30% since i don't own noiseware. warmed, boosted midtones, brightened, and took out some magenta from the neutrals. burned and sponged the background a tad.

then i wanted some oomph but just could not find anything that didn't look cheesy. so i just ran TRA Get Faded (Winter) at 65%

Looks like so much, but didn't take any time really.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

holga and instax.

i promise i'll get better!

<--exposure was upped in PS.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

my kids and a wide angle lens.

be my valentine.

Happy Valentine's Day! Delilah is at MomMom and Papa's and Brian and I got new phones and had a yummy dinner.

Friday, February 12, 2010

i luv mail.

i got a package!
its my valentine's day gifts!
but i have to wait for brian. boo.

and film for my new instax

all loaded and ready to have fun

i remembered that my sister had given archie an uber cute onesie for christmas. its 3-6m, so i thought i had a while for him to wear it. not so. he's already a little too chunky for it. i think we need to go shopping for new clothes soon!

and just a cute snap of my babies:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

belated wip wednesday.

mine: freckle bottom longies in malabrigo watergreen and cypress.
his: spud and chloe playground hoodie in carbon and peat.